Behavioral Medicine Center

2150 North Ocoee Street, Suite One - Cleveland, TN 37311
Phone & Fax (423) 476-1933 Phone (423) 559-1848



Alzheimer's and Related Disorders  (800) 621-0379
Alzheimer's Association  (800) 272-3900
Natl. Eye Care Helpline (over 65)  (800) 222-3937


AIDS Hotline  (800) 342-AIDS
In Spanish  (800) 342-SIDA
Hearing Impaired  (800) AIDS-TTY
American Social Health Association
(Sexually transmitted diseases) 
(800) 227-8922
Arthur Ashe Foundation for the Defeat of Aids (800) 427-8487
Natl. AIDS Information Clearinghouse (800) 458-5231
NIDA AIDS Helpline (drug abusers) (800) 662-4357


American Assn. On Mental Deficiency (800) 424-3688
American Cleft Palate Assn. (800) 242-5338
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation  (800) 344-4823
Easter Seal Society  (800) 221-6827
March of Dimes/River Valley Chapter (423) 870-4222
Natl. Down Syndrome Congress  (800) 232-6372
Natl. Down Syndrome Society (800) 221-4602
Spina Bifida Assn. Of America  (800) 621-3141


American Cancer Society  (800) 227-2345
American Cancer Society Look Good and
Feel Better Hotline 
(800) 395-5665
American Institute for Cancer Research  (800) 843-8114
Cancer Information Hotline (800) 525-3777
Cancer Information Service (800) 422-6237
Natl. Alliance of Breast Cancer Organization  (800) 221-2141


American College of Cardiology  (800) 253-4636
American Hearth Association (Heart Disease and Stroke) (800) 242-8721

(see also birth defects)

Child Abuse Hotline (800) 422-4453
Children's Hospice Intl.  (800) 242-4453
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation  (800) 344-4823
Easter Seal society  (800) 221-6827
I Wish the Hitting Would Stop (800) 627-3675
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation (800) 223-1138
Make a Wish Foundation Intl. (800) 323-9474
Natl. Center for Missing & Exploited Children (800) 843-5678
Natl. Center for Prevention of SIDS (800) 638-7437
Natl. Child Abuse Hotline (800) 422-4453
Natl. Down Syndrome Congress (800) 232-6372
Natl. Down Syndrome Society (800) 221-4602
Natl. Information Ctr. For Children & Youth with handicaps (800) 695-0285
Natl. Reye's Syndrome Foundation  (800) 233-7393
Natl. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Foundation  (800) 221-7437
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (800) 877-5833
Shriners Hospital Referral Line  (800) 237-5055
Spina Bifida Association of America (800) 621-3141


Auto Safety Hotline (800) 424-9393
Conservation & Renewal Energy Hotline  (800) 523-2929
Consumer Product Safety Commission(info service) (800) 638-2772
Federal Tax Information (800) 829-1040
Medicare Health Line (800) 638-6833
Natl. Fraud Info. Center (800) 876-7060
Natl. Highway Traffic Safety Admin (800) 424-9393
Natl. Second Surgical Opinion Hotline (800) 638-6833
Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800) 426-4791
Social Security Administration  (800) 772-1213
Stamps by Mail  (800) 782-6724
TennCare Consumer Advocacy Line  (800) 722-7474
(TDD) (800) 298-2858


Easter Seal Society (800) 221-6827
HEATH-Resource Center 
(postsecondary education for the handicapped) 
(800) 544-3284
Job Accommodation Network (800) 526-7234


Allergy and Immunology (American Academy of)  (800) 822-2762
Alliance of Genetic Support Group  (800) 336-4363
ALS Association (for Lou Gehrig's Disease) (800) 782-4747
Alzheimer's Association  (800) 272-3900
Aplastic Anemia Foundation of America (800) 747-2820
Arthritis Foundation  (800) 283-7800
Arthritis Medical Center  (800) 327-3027
Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America (800) 727-8462
Asthma Coalition Info Network (800) 777-4350
Cancer Information Hotline (800) 422-6237
Cancer Research (American Institute for) (800) 843-8114
Cancer Society (National Office)  (800) 227-2345
Cerebral Palsy (United) (800) 872-5827
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Network (602) 290-5508
Cleft Palate Association (American) (800) 242-5338
Cleft Palate & Cleft Lip (Free Surgery-Operation Smile) (615) 860-3742
Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc. (800) 932-2423
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (800) 344-4823
Diabetes Association (American) (800) 232-3472
Diabetes Foundation (juvenile)  (800) 223-1138
Down Syndrome Congress (800) 232-6372
Down Syndrome Society (800) 221-4602
Endometrius Association (800) 992-3636
Epilepsy Foundation  (800) 332-1000
Fibromyalgia Network  (602) 290-5508
Headache Foundation (National)  (800) 843-2256
Hepatitis Hotline  (800) 223-0179
Huntington's Disease Society of America (800) 345-4372
Kidney Foundation (National) (800) 622-9010
Leprosy Missions (American) (800) 543-3131
Liver Foundation (American) (800) 223-0179
Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS Association) (800) 782-4747
Lung Association  (800) 586-4872
Lupus Foundation (Lupus Research Institute)  (800) 558-0121
Lyme Disease Foundation  (800) 886-5963
Lymphedema Network (800) 541-3259
Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the. United States (800) 986-4287
Multiple Sclerosis Society (National) (800) 229-8769
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Hotline  (800) NEWS-4-OCD
Parkinson's Disease Association (American)  (800) 223-2732
Parkinson's Disease Foundation, Inc. (800) 457-6676
Parkinson's Disease Info & Referral Line (for young patients)  (800) 223-9776
Peripheral Arterial Disease Info Line (800) 925-5669
Rare Disorders (National Organization for) (800) 447-6673
Reye's Syndrome Foundation (National)  (800) 233-7393
Scleroderma Foundation (United) (800) 722-4673
Scleroderma Research Foundation (800) 637-4005
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Hotline (800) 227-8922
Sickle Cell Disease Association of American, Inc. (800) 421-8453
Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation (800) 4-SJOGREN
Spasmodic Torticollis Association (National) (800) 487-8385
Spina Bifida Association of America (800) 621-3141
Spinal Cord Injury Hotline  (800) 526-3456
Stroke Association (National) (800) 787 6537
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Alliance (800) 221-7437
Tremor Foundation (International) (312) 733-1893
Wegener's Granulomatosis Support Groups, Inc. (800) 277-9474


Child Abuse Hotline (800) 422-4453
Child Find of America (800) IAMLOST
Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 799-7233
Families Anonymous (for families of drug or alcohol addicted) (800) 736-9805
International Locater (missing persons) (813) 574-1799
Missing Children Help Center (800) 872-5437
Missing Children Network (800) 235-3535
Natl. Center for Missing & Exploited Children (800) 843-5678
Natl. Child Safety Council Childwatch  (800) 222-1464
Nat. Runaway Switchboard (800) 621-4000
Natl. Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence (800) 222-2000
Parents Anonymous (stressed parents) (800) 356-6767
Parents Without Partners (800) 637-7974
Prison Families Anonymous (516) 538-6065
US-Search (missed loved ones) (800 US-SEARCH


Alliance of Genetic Support Groups (800) 336-4363
American Hospital Association (800) 424-4301
American Social Health Association
(sexually transmitted diseases)
(800) 227-8922
Bone Marrow Donation Information (800) 627-7692
Easter Seal Society (800) 221-6827
Hill-Burton Hospital Free Care  (800) 638-0742
Hospice Education Institute (800) 331-1620
Medic Alert Foundation International  (800) 432-5378
Natl. Assn. of Rehabilitation Facilities (800) 368-3513
Natl. Health Information Center (NIC) (800) 336-4797
Natl. Hospice Association (800) 658-8898
Natl. Mental Health Association  (800) 969-6642
Natl. Rehabilitation Information Center  (800) 346-2742
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion  (800) 336-4797
Poison Control Center .  (800) 962-1253
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital  (800) 877-5833
Shriner's Hospital Referral Line  (800) 237-5055
TennCare Consumer Advocacy Line (800) 722-7474
(TDD) (800) 298-2858
Visiting Nurse Association of American  (800) 426-2547


Deafness Research Foundation  (800) 535-3323
Hearing Test  (800) 222-3277
Grapevine (voice and TDD)  (800) 352-8888
Hear Now (financial aid) (800) 648-4327
Hearing Aid Helpline  (800) 521-5247
Hearing Helpline  (800) 327-9355
Hearing Impaired  (800) 787-3224
Hearing & Speech Action Natl. Assn  (800) 638-8255
Internal Revenue Service (TDD users)  (800) 829-4059
National Speech foundation  (800) 992-9392
Stutterers Hotline (800) 221-2483


American Paralysis Assn.  (800) 225-0292
American -Trauma Society  (800) 556-7890
Natl. Head Injury Foundation (800) 444-6443
Natl. Spinal Cord Injury Assn.  (800) 962-9629
Spinal Cord Injuries Hotline  (800) 526-3456


Dyslexia Society  (800) 222-3123
HEATH Resource Center  (800) 544-3284


American Lung Association (800) 586-4872
Asthma/Allergy Information Hotline  (800) 822-2762
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America  (800) 727-8462
Lung Line  (800) 222-5864
Asthma Coalition Info Network  (800) 777-4350


Aerobics and Fitness Foundation  (800) 233-4886
American Animal Hospital Assn.  (800) 252-2242
American Dental Assn. (800) 621-8099
American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive .Surgery (800) 635-0635
Civil Rights (Office of) (800) 368-1019
Debtors Anonymous  (212) 964-8934
Environmental Protection Agency Hotline (800) 262-7937
EPA Hazardous Waste Hotline .  (800) 424-9346
Natl. Association- for the Education of Young Children  (800) 424-2460
Natl. Council on Compulsive Gambling, Inc.  (800) 522-4700
Natl. Criminal Justice Referral System (crime victims) (800) 851-3420
Natl. Safety Council (800) 621-7619
Natl. Wildlife Federation  (800) 822-9919
Pesticide Telecommunications Network  (800) 858-7378
Radon Program (Tenn. State)  (800) 232-1130
Social Security Administration  (800) 772-1213
U.S. Coast Guard Boating Safety  (800) 368-5647
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office  (800) 786-9199
We tip (crime solving)  (800) 780-7824
Women's Sports Foundation (800) 227-3988


Alzheimer's Association  (800) 272-3900
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome  (800) 223-8355
Epilepsy Foundation of America (800) 332-1000
Huntington's Disease Society of America (800) 345-4372
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation  (800) 441-7055
Neurofibromatosis Foundation (National) (800) 323-7038
Parkinson's Disease Assn. (American) (800) 223-2730
Parkinson's Disease Foundation  (800) 457-6676
Parkinson's Disease Info & Referral line (for young patients) (800) 223-9776
Parkinson's Education Program  (800) 344-7872
Parkinson Foundation (National)  (800) 327-4545
Stroke Association (National)  (800) 787-6537
Tourette Syndrome Assn. (800) 237-0717
Tremor Foundation (International)  (312) 733-1893
Tuberouus Sclerosis Assn. (National)  (800) 225-6872


American Council on Transplantation  (800) 228-4483
Living Bank (organ donation)  (800) 528-2971
National Kidney Foundation  (800) 228-4483
Organ Donor Hotline  (800) 243-6667


AI-Anon Family Group Headquarters  (800) 356-9996
Alcohol & Drug Helpline  (800) 821-4357
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services (212) 686-1100
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention  (800) 729-6686
Cocaine Hotline  (800) 262-2463
Families Anonymous  (800) 736-9805
Just Say No Kids Club (800) 258-2766
Natl. Council on Alcoholism  (800) 622-2255
Natl. Institute on Drug Abuse  (800) 662-4327
Natl. Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Information  (800) 729-6686


Covenant House (runaways) (800) 999-9999
Natl. Runaway Switchboard (800) 621-4000
Runaway Hotline (800) 231-6946
Teen Line
(teens can talk to other teens about their problems)
(800) 522-TEEN
Toughlove  (800) 333-1069
United Student Aid Funds  (800) 428-9250
Youth Development, Inc. (runaways)  (800) 448-4663


Nat. Clearinghouse for Veterans  (800) 424-2460
Veterans of the Viet Nam War (800) VIETNAM
Viet Nam Veterans (Agent Orange)  (800) 521-0198


American Council of the Blind (800) 424-8666
American Foundation for the Blind (800) 232-5463
American Council of the Blind-National Legislative Hotline (800) 424-8666
Assn. of Radio Reading Services (800) 255-2777
Center for Corrective Eye Surgery  (800) 422-6733
Helen Keller lntl . (800) 422-6733
Library of Congress National Library Services for the
Blin and Physically Handicapped 
(800) 424-8567
Natl. Assn. for Parents of the Visually Impaired (800) 562-6265
Natl. Eye Care Project (800) 222-3937
Natl. Federation of the Blind  (800) 638-7518
Natl. Society to Prevent Blindness  (800) 221-3004


American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth (800) 423-2397
ASPO/Lamaze  (800) 368-4404
Breast Implant Settlement Claims Office (800) 600-0311
Emergency Contraceptive Hotline (morning-after pill) (800) 584-9911
Endometriosis Assn.  (800) 992-3636
I Wish the Hitting Would Stop (800) 627-3675
La Leche League (breast-feeding mothers) (800) LALECHE
PMS Access (800) 222-4767
Women's Sports Foundation  (800) 227-3988

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