Mind - Body Medicine

Articles to Read: 
You may find the following articles on this subject of some help.  
031 - Studies Find Prayer Can Help the Sick
057 - Depression After a Heart Attack Must Be Treated for Better Recovery
058 - Panic Attacks and Physical Illness
080 - Helping Others Helps You
082 - Some Behaviors and Emotions Can Worsen Health Problems
084 - The Mind Can Help the Body to Heal
085 - Status and Wealth Do Influence Health
088 - Psychological Angle of Cancer
090 - Characteristics of People who Live Beyond 90
091 - Fun and Good Companionship Are Good for Immune Function
092 - No One Theory Explains How and Why We Age
093 - About Aging Process
094 - About Aging Process Pt. 2 - Our Beliefs About Old Age
095 - Psychological Hardiness is a Buffer Against Aging
096 - Relationships Can Help or Hurt Health
097 - Doctor-Patient Relationships Important in Recovery
098 - You are Only as Old as You Feel
101 - Make Work Enjoyable
103 - Hands are Tools of Heart
111 - When Emotions Get Out of Control
114 - Everyone's Idea of Happiness is Different
127 - Holidays are Special Relationship Times
137 - Learning from Lives of Successful and Healthy
141 - Small Changes in Behavior Can Have a Powerful Effect on Health
142 - The Power of Faith
143 - Expressive Writing Will Improve Job Prospects
144 - "Fighting Spirit" When Battling Major Illness
172 - Take Responsibility for your Total Health
197 - Breathing, Muscles and the Mind ... The Tools of Fitness
198 - Breathing, Muscles and the Mind ... The Tools of Fitness, Pt. 2
211 - The Hope and Heart Connection
212 - Always Choose Hope over Hopelessness
214 - Tips for Gaining Emotional Poise and Control
215 - Faith is Natural to Humans
216 - Religious Commitment is Good for the Body and Soul
219 - How to Stay Emotionally Strong in the Face of Big Changes
226 - Use Your Imagination to Help You Heal
234 - The Whole Person Needs to be Treated to Get Well
235 - "Connectedness" has Acquired a New Meaning in Health
236 - Optimism Carries Many Positive Qualities
241 - Parental Love is a Boon for Life
246 - Stress of Surgery can be Reduced (PART 1)
247 - Stress of Surgery can be Reduced (PART 2)
248 - We Must Learn the 4th "R"
251 - Open Yourself to Pain
271 - Unless the Hurt is Healed...!
272 - The Word is "Integrity"
280 - How to Stop Yourself from Feeling Bad
288 - Exercise Helps Lung Patients Emotionally
500 - Let The Heart Lead The Head
503 - Stress-Depression Connection Coming To Light
542 - "Where Is Your Mind?"
549 - Breath Is The Key To Wellness

Remember ... Self Help pages should NOT be used as a substitute for seeking professional care for the diagnosis of any psychiatric/psychological disorders. Nothing here is meant to replace professional advice or care from a qualified mental health practitioner. The purpose of self-help pages is purely educational. 
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