Yoga/Pranayama (Breathing Exercises)
  Articles to Read:
You may find the following articles on this subject of some help. 
557 - Pranayama From India
559 - Diaphragm, Ribcage, Abdomen and Other Matters in Pranayama
560 - Yoga-Based Program for Emphysema/COPD: Stretching and Breathing Suggestions for Maintenance of Lung Function
572 - Breathe Right! (Part 1): Do You Need Breathing Retraining?
573 - Breathe Right! (Part 2): Breathe Correctly, Consciously & Relaxed
574 - Breathe Right! (Part 3): Diaphragmatic and Pursed Lip Breathing
Pranayama Can Be Practiced Safely (PDF download)
Yoga for Self-Care: Poses, Breathing, Meditation, Mindfulness and Relaxation Program ( Microsoft Word Document or PDF, right-click and select "save link as" or "save target as")
581 - Pranayama for Meditation: Breathing Techniques can Deepen Your Meditation Practice
583 - Sun Salutations with Chakras Activation


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