Dr. Sharma joins the chat room on Thursdays 9 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Eastern
Standard Day Light Saving Time. This is a chat room for people who want to
exchange ideas and information on such matters as, divorce, marriage,
parenting, relationship tangles, grief and bereavement, chronic pain,
stress management, mind-body and spiritual health, emotional intelligence
and similar other issues of psychological and emotional significance. In
this chat room, Dr. Sharma does not offer professional advice. He is
available to share his personal knowledge and point of view as a
participant for the purpose of information and education only. Do not use
language that may offend or discourage another participant. Help yourself
and help other participants. This chat room is not monitored.
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with the mouse and choose refresh. Due to a bug in the browser, the screen
will not auto-refresh unless you do the above. You need to do it only
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chat room through here, and hit "post" periodically to view other
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